Written by Stephen Schwartz & Directed by Ruth Evans


11/04/06 - 22/04/06

Venue: Wrexham Studio Theatre


Jesus - Dhugal Fulton
Judas - Mike Kelsall

Laurie Bellis
Julie Blagrove
Laura Coard
Paul Kirkbright
Paul Quinn
Ashley Sollars
Sarah Louise Sutton
Jo Woodward

Production team

Producer & Director- Ruth Evans
Musical Director - Claire Hennie
Choreographer - Noella Grace


Les Chamberlain - Wrexham Leader

While waiting for Tip Top Productions’ latest offering, Godspell, to start in the Studio Theatre at Yale College, Wrexham I was doubtful whether I would enjoy it. It is set in a fitness suite and the actors are all toning up as the audience takes their seats. How wrong I was. Director Ruth Evans’ decision has worked a treat and it turns out to be a great show.

She has Jesus in a Tshirt with Personal Trainer on it and John the Baptist greets the disciples with high fives and baptizes them with a sponge from a bucket. She keeps the fast action moving smoothly and has guided an energetic cast superbly.

Dhugal Fulton fits neatly into the part of Jesus, telling his parables with passion yet at times with a great deal of humour. Mike Kelsall doubles up John the Baptist and Judas Iscariot and his build up to the betrayal of Jesus shows great nervous tension and emotion. Both complement each other brilliantly. There is exuberant acting and singing form Laurie Bellis, Julie Blagrove, Laura Coard, Paul Kirkbright, Paul Quinn, Ashley Sollars, Sarah Louise Sutton and Jo Woodward as the disciples and they are a credit to choreographer Noella Grace who had produced such good dance sequences.

The adult chorus adds greatly to the enjoyment as does the children’s chorus singing by both sections being of the highest standard. Only one minor criticism. The quartet under the direction of Claire Hennie, excellent musicians though they all are, is too loud in some of the numbers and drowns the singers. But thinking on it, that is the way with musicals these days.

If you have the opportunity there are performances tonight, a matinee tomorrow and another show tomorrow night. Make every effort to see, it will be well worth it.